Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Heart Ready for the Word

We've been talking about being receptive to God's word using the parable of the sower as our guide. This past Sunday (3-15-09) we addressed the heart that's hard like a walking path unable and unwilling to receive the word.

We learned the remedy to this problem is repentance; turning away from all that we're trusting and hoping in and turning to Jesus. What do you think keeps us from true repentance? Certainly, repentance is a divine gift, but what practical or tangible aspects keep us from receiving this gift and turning to Jesus?

Love to hear your thoughts, not just on this question but on the series in general and what God is doing in your life.

Pastor Brian


Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic series. I think all of us find a hard truth. I try to turn over control yet find myself continually blocking this. I know have made a true effort to catch myself at these moments. Now, I take a breath and say a prayer.
The prayer card is a good reminder to keep my heart fertile for God's word to take root.
I have also found that my husband's heart is beginning to soften when he is confronted by the truth from someone other than me. Thank you so much for this. I haven't given up hope.

Anonymous said...

I appreciated your object lesson of the seed. I have been guilty of thinking that more Bible, more disciplined quiet time, more teaching, etc. is the answer to my relationship with God. It was a good reminder to me that God prepares the heart and our part is to repent and submit. I'll never forget that lesson because of the visual picture of you dropping the seeds and the foolishness of the idea that more seeds would make plants sprout on the carpet.

First Baptist Church said...

Thanks, Cindy, for your encouraging words. May God grant all of us a repentant heart to receive the good word.
