Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Heart Ready for the Word: Part 3

Hello folks.

In the message today (3-29-09) we touched on the seed the fell on the rocky ground. I mentioned that we receive the word of God superficially because we haven't given up our visions, plans and goals; in fact, we think Jesus is the key ingredient to making our visions, plans and goals a reality. But, as I mentioned, God has his own vision, plans and goals and (quite frankly) wants to transform us so we embody his visions, plans and goals as well.

What do you think about this? Does a shallow heart prevent us from embracing the visions, plans and goals of God? Since the issue is always faith/trust, what are we not believing about God that keeps us set on our own purposes isntead of God's?

Love to hear your feedback on these questions or on the message in general.

Pastor Brian

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have ended up spending alot of time in this parable over the years. Jesus has way of taking the everyday and putting it into analogy that strikes right to the core of my life. My heart is somewhere between rocky ground and the tares. In today's world a single seed of corn can yield up to 800 seeds or more, but most is grown in conditions that won't support even half that much, if any at all. As a farmer told me yesterday, last year he put the seed in the ground, watched most of it come up, then in one fell swoop a flock of sandhill cranes came along and started eating the new shoots. It was an exageration to say that they ate half or even a quarter of the plants, but they ate enough to get full and fly off. How often has that happened in me? Plenty and frequently. Thanks for bringing this back into my life