Sunday, February 22, 2009

So, what did you learn?

Well, we're done with fear (not really, just the sermon series). What did you learn? I'm really excited to hear how God blessed you over these past 6 weeks? What has helped you with your fear? What promise from God or point is God using to help you trust him in the midst of fear?

Do you see that little link called "comment" at the bottom of this post? Click on it and leave me (and other FBCers) some feedback. Bless others with a testimony of God's grace. Leave your name if your comfortable, I always like knowing who's sharing.

Thanks for joining me in the journey.

Pastor Brian


James Stokes Photography said...

I was truly moved today by Mr. Hoffmans story. It is very similar to what some friends have been going through. My wife and I became emotional throughout the service today. The very thought of losing our children is overwhelming.

I have learned so much from your sermons, but my heart has been opened and I am able to understand that in the face of fear we can choose to run or we can stand and fight. I feel that I am constantly defending my faith in college and only when I am in Church do I feel that I am with people who are on my team. There is a way out there that I am not sure many people are aware of and Christians are the ones under attack. Secular Academia has an agenda that tears at the heart of Christian students across the nation. THIS IS MY FEAR. I hope and pray that my freedoms are not being taking away and we are standing by and just letting it happen.
I am so happy to have found a church body that my wife and I can feel alive in. That is so important to us. FBC is growing and we believe that we are here in Medford for a reason> I am going to continue to pray and ask GOD for guidance in all aspecs of my life. I have found other Christians that I can talk to and find comfort in knowing that they deal with many of the same issues I do.

We should not fear much because we are on the side that will previal and be victorious.


James Stokes

Rachel said...

This sermon series on fear has really opened my eyes to how much i let fear control my life. While i did get emotional over Matt's story. It was last weeks sermon that really convicted me. I've always thought that i don't really care about what other people think of me but since the last sermon I have found many areas in my life that I do. And it all comes down to perfectionism. Now that my eyes have been opened with God's help I can let go of this fear.

Rachel Clark

Luke said...

This whole series has been a great blessing to me, but one sermon I want to mention in particular was the one on money. I don't think I struggle with the fear of not having enough because I have seen God provide for me over and over in my life, but the challenge to give generously was a great challenge that I really appreciated. I want to be generous, but I am not always intentional about being generous. This sermon was a great encouragement in that regard. And I just love the simplicity of the take home: if you want to be free from money (the love of it or the fear of not having it), give it away! Thanks Brian and praise God!

Luke Hatfield

Anonymous said...

This sermon series has been very timely for us in the wake of Scott's layoff and all the changes that has led to for us. I was tempted on Sunday to think that our issues are nothing compared to the Hansens' issues with losing their home, or the Huffmans' issues with Simon's health. However, isn't that the beauty of a personal relationship with a personal God who meets us where we are? That's why I loved Brian perspective on grace as being God's provision of what we need when we need it. He knows each of our individual hearts and provides for us so faithfully. I've also really appreciated the choice of music each week and how it has reinforced the themes of the messages and reminded me of them as I hum through my week.