Sunday, November 29, 2009

Prioritizing mission this Christmas

I believe God will mercifully deliver us from the prevailing current of Christmas by getting active with the things of God, namely, by living and speaking the Gospel. When we are active in the greatest mission on earth (God's mission of saving the world of sin), we're not going to find much time on these "less important" missions of Christmas. Assembling your kids new toy won't feel so urgent or important when you're praying fervently for your unsaved neighbor, will it?

Let's share some ideas as to what we can do to be actively engaged in God's mission this Christmas. I shared a couple of things in the sermon; I'd love to hear how God might be leading you. Let's encourage and spur one another on.

Pastor Brian

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Prioritizing Christ

This Sunday, we saw Zechariah extolling (praising) God for his great salvation. Instead of getting distracted by al the wonderful gifts God had given him, he kept the main thing the main thing. If you and I are not careful, we will get swept away by all the Christmas hoopla. We won't, though, if we - like Zechariah - are able to stay focused on the greatness of God's salvation.

So, how will you do that? To a significant degree, this is a matter of the heart. But what does this tangibly mean? What will you actually do to stay focused on Christ this holiday season? I'd love to hear your ideas.

Pastor Brian

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Coming Respite from Exodus

Hey, sorry for not posting something last week. I'm not sure why I didn't....

As I mentioned on Sunday morning, we're taking a break from Exodus during the Holiday season with the plan of picking up again in January. I want to know two things.

1) What is the most significant message you've heard from God so far from this study in Exodus thus far? Be specific and encourage me and your fellow brothers and sisters.

2) What are your lingering questions? This will help me as I continue to prepare sermons for this study.

So, let me know what you're thinking.

Pastor Brian

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pastor Luke's Homework Assignment

Hey all you bloggers!

It seems this is an ever-growing community! What a blessing this technology is from God, allowing us to connect around His word as brothers and sisters in Christ!

I saw Pastor Brian's post from his sermon two weeks ago, and he repeated the idea in his sermon this past week when he was reviewing about how God connects His actions to His name - Yahweh. 2 weeks ago, Brian also pointed out that after God leads His people out of Egypt, He is often referred to as "the LORD your God Who brought you out of Egypt," rather than how He had been referred to before this "the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."

So if Yahweh (what we have translated in our Bibles as LORD) is God's proper name, if you will, then what are these appendages? I would call them taglines to God's name.

So here's the homework. Come up with a tagline or several taglines for God based on how He's worked in a significant way in your own life. Remember, God links His name to His activity, so think of what He's done in your life, and share your tag line with your brothers and sisters in Christ as a testimony to them of God's faithfulness in your life.

Psalm 149:1 says, "Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song, His praise in the assembly of the godly!" And I would say for your homework, "Praise the LORD! Give to the LORD a new tag line that praises Him to your brother and sister bloggers in Christ!"

Remember, the homework that Pastor Brian and Pastor Tim and I give you is for your good. It's not just something to check off the list. They are ideas for how you can be drawn to see and savor Jesus Christ for the great and might Savior He is! So enjoy!

Here are some of my taglines:

The LORD my God, Who has blessed me with an incredible best friend and partner for life in my wonderful wife Mikaela, and two wonderful, healthy, amazingly unique children, Traeger and Ataly.

The LORD my God Who provided super-abundantly while Mikaela and I were in Dallas for me to go to Seminary.

The LORD my God, Who brought me to FBC and has blessed me through this community and its leaders.

Praise the LORD! I am looking forward to hearing your taglines!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Are you a child of Abraham?

First things first: Click here for the Bible reading plan. There are very few spiritual practices more beneficial than this one. Happy reading.

Ok, now for the homework. God says in Genesis 17:7 that he will be God to Abraham and to his descendants after him. The rest of scripture makes clear: if you are of Abraham, you are an heir to the promises, if you are not of Abraham, you are not an heir. So how do you know if you are an heir or not? Are there verses that would lead us to believe we are (can be) children of Abraham? What are they?

Don't stop there, though. Take one more step. Are there any conditions on being a child of Abraham? What do we have to do to be a child of Abraham?

This isn't merely a mental exercise. I want your hope to be sure because, believe me (believe the scriptures), if you are not of Abraham you can not expect any salvation from God.

Pastor Brian