Sunday, October 18, 2009

We are peculiar, aren't we?

There is something really strange about the people of God turning to Pharaoh for help (Ex. 5:15-19). Why turn there? It doesn't seem to make much sense. But such is the wisdom of a heart bent on figuring this thing called life out on its own. I'm so thankful that God pardons such sin; that he doesn't quit on me when I act so foolishly and rebelliously.

What are you seeing in the text? I'd love to hear what God is showing you from our study of Exodus. Be an encouragement to me and to others by pointing something out in the text that we have looked at yet.

Pastor Brian


Betsy said...

Over the years, I have come to see things as they are written. I try to see how the people would have felt.
This passage shows me that Moses and Aaron promised Israel freedom. Who was Moses, but some guy who showed up after a 40 year absence. Who is Aaron? Maybe a man who molded the Egyptian idols? They may have told the people there would be trials but the people only heard freedom. Freedom from the hard servitude. Israel was told they had to make straw. What did they know but to go to the CEO - Pharoah. He was in charge and going to let these slaves know who was in charge. Did the people still know the ONE TRUE GOD? It's hard to know if you look further to the golden calf, you have to wonder.

First Baptist Church said...

I hear what you are saying, Betsy. But I'd hardly call Pharaoh a CEO; he's their oppressor, whether they could see it or not.

You're absolutely right; Moses and Aaron, speaking for God, promised deliverance, but (according to what is written) also communicated that it would only come by the mighty hand of God because Pharaoh would refuse to let them go. So it wasn't going to be quick or easy.

Great thinking and processing. Keep up the study.

Pastor Brian