In the sermon on Sunday, I drew specific focus on the people of Israel finally crying out to God for help and how I/we have a hard time doing that. I mentioned that what we typically do is complain instead.
Do you complain much? I think when we are honest, we tend to complain a little more than we'd like to admit. Why is that? Why do we complain? And what do you find yourself complaining about? And what's the remedy? I'm curious to hear what you think.
I do complain, I complained so much last Friday I became angry. I stewed on a situation all day, well into the evening. I finally turned to God for help. Help to heal my brokeness, help to give people what they need not what they deserve. I asked (pled with)God to give me a soft heart, to give me open eyes to self reflect. I spent a few quiet hours with God that night ending in a sense of calm. The next day nothing was what it had been on Friday-plans were changed, opportunities opened - God had demonstrated to me the power he has in my life - that it's not mine but his will.
I thought a lot about what you said, about how people complain to prove somehow that they are relevant. I am reminded of my children and what makes them complain. Usually it is because there is something they want and they can't have it. Mac & Cheese, a wet wash cloth etc. In the end they are redirected and assured that those are not things that they need, but things they want at the time. I make this clear because it is so fleeting. One second we can be completely happy, the next hating the world around us. What makes me so un-thankful that I feel like I have to complain. I mean I am not enslaved in Egypt or dieing of thirst. My life is essentially without need. I complain because it is an outward expression of what I really may be feeling- to be human- putting all limitations aside. It can be healthy, yet detrimental because if we tell ourselves that we are constantly 'ok' we are living a lie. Sometimes we just need to have those times of self loathing all piled into a few moments of grumbling and disgust. It has to be better than carrying it around and hiding it, pretending that everything on the inside is ok. I don't curse the Lord for the lack in my life, but I do question as the Israelites did in Egypt. 'Why are we a chosen people?' Sometimes I think it would be easier to just be 'everyone else' - to live a life with little or no religious boundaries. There are very few social boundaries any more with even less ramifications for our Drugs, sex, abortion, sexuality, lust, and the list goes on. I must remind myself that my life is not to be like that. We are called to live a life of that like a city on a hill. We are called to be a light to the world. That does mean sacrifice, but it is clear that our treasure lies in Heaven and not here on Earth. So why do I complain? Because I am a sinful human being in need of a savior? The remedy is to admit that I am a sinner and in need of GOD's Grace and Mercy. Amen
Thanks for the feedback. I love your prayer; God, give me a soft heart. So often, we pray for a change in our circumstances when we should do what you do; ask God to change our character. Love it. Thanks so much.
I agree with a lot of what you said. I agree that we need to express the frustrations or challenges rather than letting them build up. But complaining/grumbling is a sinful expression of those feelings. Instead, we need God's grace to express our thoughts and feelings righteously rather than sinfully. Good stuff.
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