Sunday, January 18, 2009

Welcome, Oh Fearful One!

Welcome to the FBC sermon blog. We're starting the sermon blog to help you interact with the content presented through the sermons at FBCs. Make sure you check out our sermon page on our website. We're hoping you feel the freedom to ask questions, dialogue with others and just process the information God has presented to us through the sermons given at FBC. So let's get started.

We've begun our Fear sermon series. First of all, what do you think about that? Are you glad we're talking about fear? Why do we get a little...fearful... just talking about fear? I'm curious to hear you thoughts.

Also, what might be a topic or issue related to fear that you're thinking, "I sure hope Brian talks about...?" What might that be? What do you hope we touch on in this sermon series?

Hopefully, that's enough to get us started. Let me here what you think.

Pastor Brian

UPDATE: I heard a couple of good questions today that I had not thought of concerning this topic. So if you have questions related to fear/worry/ anxiety, please ask on the blog so I can cover the pertinent topics during the series or at minimum, on this blog.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the sermon on Sunday and can't wait for the second installment. I especially enjoyed the call to action. I think "homework" challenges me to mediate on scripture all week. Novel concept? I started my list of fears last night but I think the more I reread Matt 6 the deeper and truer my revised list of fears becomes. The surface fears are easy to spout off but looking at the underlying themes that tie together those fears is the challenge! I also found myself linking together the Sunday school lesson (for ladies) to my fears. Wounds from childhood come to bare in adult fear. What I mighty God we serve that He is able to use me and to love me in the midst of my brokenness.

First Baptist Church said...

Thanks for the input. I'm hoping to give practical things to do every Sunday.

I was talking with someone last night who made the keen observation that just getting honest with our fears is helpful. When we are able to name our fears we're better able to cope and hopefully get on the journey towards victory.

Thanks so much
Pastor Brian

Anonymous said...

I am always amazed at how God blesses our pastors with the words I need to hear and when I need to hear them. (sometimes I think your a mind reader)I also love how you are challanging us to read this scripture each day to see what God has for us.

You asked what we want you to touch on and I hope we get alot of time talking about worry and shame. I loved the line in the sermon where you said control freaks are really just fear freaks. I grew up with fear as a constant and as an adult love thinking I have control over situations. I feel much safer thinking I am in control. I pray this sermon series will help me see things from a new perspective. And help me relax and let God do the worrying.

Thank you for listening when God speaks to you.

First Baptist Church said...

I'm grateful that the encouragement to read the key text everyday is appreciated. I'll be continuing that throughout the series.


Anonymous said...

The sermon was excellent on Sunday. The topic of fear stirs several different emotions. As I think of my most common fears, such as fear of flying, fear of losing my children, etc.,I had to sit back and really think what the underlying fear is. Is it fear of death? We are not to fear death if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior but I cannot help but think there is still the fear of the unknown.
Another fear for many are the end times. Many people do not understand Revelations, Ezekiel38 & 39, the rapture and the rise of the Antichrist, etc. It seems events are occurring fairly consistently lately. Prior to moving to Medford I had been study prophecy regarding end times in a women's small group and it has reduced my fear of what is going to happen. But, I am still concerned that my family and even myself will not be left behind. But, I think many people do not understand the rapture and the end times and they do fear it. I would love to hear of a small group studying revelations.

First Baptist Church said...

Yes, we minimize the fear of death a lot. For most of us, our death feels so far away that its not something we really deal with at all. Really, underneath all of the fears related to safety is the fear of death.

Concerning the end times: I think its worth mentioning that when end times issues are brought up in God's word, they are never meant to instill fear. In fact, confidence and trust is the author's desired outcome. But rather than being confident and hopeful, Christians are primarily afraid. My hope would be that when we get a picture of Jesus' complete and total authority over all creation (Matthew 28:18) we would have a sense of confidence even when we are unaware of how our time on earth will end.

Thanks so much for your thoughts.
Pastor Brian